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Majority of Americans Now Oppose Experiments on Animals, Survey Shows

Imagine how terrified animals must feel when their brains and guts are prodded or when they’re force-fed substances or mutilated without painkillers.

ZACHARY TOLIVER: ‘For the first time ever, a majority of Americans oppose the use of animals in experiments, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Pew found that 52 percent of Americans now oppose all tests on animals—two percentage points higher than what a similar Pew survey found in 2014 and nine points higher than the results of its 2009 survey.

It’s no surprise that more people than ever are denouncing wasteful experiments on animals that fail to lead to human treatments over 90 percent of the time… Imagine how terrified animals must feel when their brains and guts are prodded or when they’re force-fed substances or mutilated without painkillers. They spend their entire lives in tiny cages and other enclosures, deprived of natural relationships with friends and family…

Multiple eyewitness investigations conducted by PETA and other groups have revealed unchecked cruelty to animals in laboratories—opening a window for the public onto this dark, secretive world, where animals are routinely burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged’. SOURCE…


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